Why Does Obesity Cause Diabetes?

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Obesity is a ‘disease of affluence.’ As standards of living rise around the world, it is becoming a serious public-health problem in more and more countries.

The usual cause of obesity is, simply, eating too much high-caloric food in relation to one’s physical activity — thus, taking in more potential food energy than one is burning up. An underactive thyroid gland is one other possible cause. And some medicinal drugs may lead to obesity as a possible side effect.

When are you considered to be obese or overweight?

A person is considered obese in Canada and in the USA if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is greater than 30 kilograms per square meter, abbreviated as kg/m2, which is computed by dividing their weight expressed in kilograms by the square of their height expressed in meters. A person who’s BMI is more than 25 but less than 30 is considered merely ‘overweight.’ The BMI formula computation remains the same if the person’s weight and height are expressed in English units, that is, in pounds and in inches; but the numerical result obtained must first be multiplied by a conversion factor which is 703 (kg/m2)/(lb/sq in) . Some medical authorities further sub classifies obesity into severe obesity (a BMI of 35-40), morbid obesity (a BMI of 40-45), or super obesity (a BMI of 45-50). And people even still exist whose BMIs are more than 50!

Obesity is a modern human-health problem

Obesity is generally believed to be a modern human-health problem. Our cave-dwelling, hunting-and-gathering ancestors presumably had to always be on the go, to capture and kill and eat enough middle-sized herbivores to keep themselves going — and to elude becoming meals themselves for more powerful predators such as scimitar cats. This constant exercise must have kept them fit, although some stored body fat may have been essential during lean time periods when food was scarce. However, ancient human remains normally consist of just their skeletons or even just their teeth, thus providing no direct evidence of their BMIs.

During early historic times, obesity became a status symbol — indicating that a person was wealthy enough to be able to eat more than the minimum amount of food needed to sustain their life. Nowadays, obese folks are widely perceived as unattractive, although their numbers nevertheless seem to be increasing.

Obesity effects

Obesity has all kinds of effects, mostly bad effects, on a person’s health. Some of them are:

  • Heart, arterial system, and venous system ailments
  • Predisposition to Type II Diabetes
  • Predisposition to Asthma
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Stress on one’s Skeleton from all that Weight, Leading to Osteoarthritis
  • Some Varieties of Cancer
  • Higher Blood Pressure
  • Higher Blood ‘Bad’ Cholesterol Levels
  • Higher Blood Triglyceride Levels
  • Potential Increase in Insulin Resistance
  • Consequently, Shortened Lifetime

Obese folks can extend their lives by losing some of their extra weight, by employing some combination of healthier diet and exercise. And their blood-glucose levels can immediately benefit from taking Naavudi.

The post Why Does Obesity Cause Diabetes? appeared first on CLE Holistic Health.

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