Natural Ingredients in Mood Effex Mood Enhancer

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The natural organic components of CLE Mood Effex are derived from the following plants:

  • Tribulus terrestris (Punctureweed)
  • Nardostachys chinensis (a variety of Spikenard, or Nard)
  • Angelica sinensis Root (Dong Quai, aka Female Ginseng)
  • Cyperus rotundus Root (Purple Nutsedge)
  • Albizia julibrissin Durazz Flower (Persian Silk Tree)
  • Morinda officinalis Root (Ba Ji Tian, aka Indian Mulberry)
  • St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

Tribulus terrestris

Tribulus terrestris is a hardy annual plant with a taproot that’s a traditional Indian and Chinese source of medicinal extracts; extracts may also be derived from its leaves and its fruits. Its extracts are considered to be ‘mood enhancers.’ This plant is a member of the Caltrop family. It grows in many areas worldwide, including arid areas where other plants do not grow well, and it has even become an invasive weed in North America. Its fruits bear seeds with sharp spines, hence the common name ‘Punctureweed.’ Despite this unpleasant property, the extracts from this plant are believed by bodybuilders and by some researchers to help build muscle and to improve bodily testosterone levels. And some studies have shown that they can reduce angina.

Nardostachys chinensis

Nardostachys chinensis, aka ‘Spikenard’ or just ‘Nard,’ is a species in the Valerian family of plants. Nard extracts have been used since ancient times to help humans’ nervous systems deal with stress, and also as a fragrance. They have been claimed to help with nerve growth, and two of their components — Acaciin and Ursolie — have been found to also have antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effects in humans.

Angelica sinensis Root

Angelica sinensis Root, aka Dong Quai, aka Female Ginseng, has been used for thousands of years in Chinese Medicine, which has historically believed it to be a calming agent in humans, and also to be effective against dysmenorrhea and other specifically female complaints — hence the name ‘Female Ginseng.’ Animal experiments, not yet confirmed in humans, have shown that it can also help to prevent osteoporotic bone loss. One of its components, called butylidenephthalide, is known to work as an antispasmodic.

Cyperus rotundus Root

Cyperus rotundus Root, aka Purple Nutsedge, originated in Africa and Southern Europe. The tuberous roots of this plant have food value, and have been eaten by people for at least two millenia; they contain anti-microbial, anti-malarial, anti-oxidant, and anti-diabetic compounds, and archaeologists have found that the ancient folks who ate them had very little tooth decay. The plant is however considered to be an invasive weed in many areas of the world. It can spread by growing its network of underground tubers.

Albizia julibrissin Durazz Flower

Albizia julibrissin Durazz Flower, aka “Persian Silk Tree” or less accurately as “Mimosa,” is a small attractive flowering ornamental tree native to Southern and Eastern Asia. Its highly-divided leaves, resembling acacia leaves, close up at night and during rains. The nectar from its flowers attract bees and hummingbirds. Albizia extracts have been found in animal experiments to have antidepressive effects, and are a traditional Chinese Medicinal remedy for nourishing the heart and calming the nervous system in humans.

Morinda officinalis Root

Morinda officinalis Root, aka “Ba Ji Tian,” aka “Indian Mulberry,” is a plant in the Morinda genus. Its roots are used in China and in Vietnam to alleviate depression, an application that is supported by animal experiments. It is believed to amplify the effects of serotonin. In traditional Chinese Medicine, its extracts are used as a treatment for kidney and urological problems and erectile dysfunction, and even for cancer, gallbladder problems, hernia, and back pain; also, to strengthen the body’s immune system and endocrine hormone-release system.

Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s Wort)

St. John’s Wort; scientific name, Hypericum perforatum, is a flowering plant with widely-accepted antidepressant and very strong anti-inflammatory properties. Clinical trials have found its extracts to be at least as effective as many standard pharmaceutical antidepressants, and to have fewer side effects. In Germany, it is often prescribed for mild to moderate depression. However, it should not be taken by pregnant women.

The post Natural Ingredients in Mood Effex Mood Enhancer appeared first on CLE Holistic Health.

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