Types Of Diabetes

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There are now at least four recognized distinct Types of Diabetes:

  •    Type I Diabetes, aka Juvenile-Onset Diabetes.
  •    Type II Diabetes, aka Adult-Onset Diabetes.
  •    Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults (LADA), aka Type 1.5 Diabetes.
  •    Gestational Diabetes, affecting women during their pregnancies.

Type I Diabetes usually shows itself at a very young age, and develops quite rapidly. It is an autoimmune disorder, in which the body’s’ own antibodies attack and destroy the insulin-producing cells in the body’s’ pancreas gland until it can no longer produce any insulin at all. Sufferers from Type I Diabetes must have their bodies’ needed insulin externally supplied; all of us humans need to have and to use insulin, in order to properly process the sugars and starches that we eat and drink for energy, and typically this means that Type I Diabetics must get insulin shots. Nowadays, Type I Diabetics who receive treatment can still live for a long time in relative comfort, but without constant treatment they will die quickly. It’s estimated that a tenth to a twentieth of all Diabetics are Type I Diabetics. There is nothing that a Type I Diabetic can do, even by eating an excellent diet and exercising early in Life, to avoid or delay developing this disease condition.

Type II Diabetes usually develops in midlife, or even in old age, although it can occur in children. The pancreas glands of Type II Diabetics generally are still producing insulin, but perhaps just not enough; and the cells in the rest of their bodies develop insulin resistance. Although the Diabetes ailment starts out very differently for them than it does for Type I Diabetics, its upshot is the same; they need externally-supplied insulin, because their pancreas glands don’t otherwise generate an adequate amount for their bodies’ needs. Some Type II Diabetics try to get by with oral medications, but as their condition progresses they too are most likely to need insulin shots. As time goes on, their pancreas glands often produce less insulin, leading to insulin deficiency. The onset of Type II Diabetes can be delayed, or the disease condition can sometimes even be avoided altogether, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a good diet and suitable exercise — unlike the situation for Type I Diabetes.

LADA Diabetes is a fairly new disease concept among health researchers, and not all researchers believe in its validity. In principle it is adult-onset, slowly-developing Type I Diabetes — an autoimmune disease, with the bodies of LADA Diabetics producing antibodies that attack the insulin-producing cells in their bodies’ own pancreas glands. Believers in this disease concept consider that up to half of all Type II Diabetics should actually be diagnosed as having LADA Diabetes; in any case, the diagnostic line between these two disease entities is a bit blurry.

Gestational Diabetes, as its name implies, is a condition affecting pregnant women. Like Type II Diabetes, it can often be controlled or prevented by a healthy diet, exercise, and sometimes medication. And it generally goes away after the women deliver their babies, although sometimes it can lead longer-term to Type II Diabetes. But it needs to be very well controlled just as soon as it shows up, since high blood-glucose levels can affect not only the welfare of the mothers, but also the health and the proper development of their babies.

Although professional medical research folks may argue learnedly about the classification of individual Diabetes sufferers, the management of any Type of Diabetes more often than not requires insulin shots. How much insulin is needed in a given Diabetic’s case usually depends at least partly upon what they have recently been eating and drinking, and upon how much of it they have consumed. There are at least two distinct types of insulin: short-acting, and long-acting. Short-acting insulin is formulated to take effect quickly; long-acting insulin is formulated to gradually take effect over a longer time period, of as much as an entire day. Both formulations of insulin are useful for Diabetics having any of the four Types of Diabetes.

CLE Holistic Health Naavudi, a natural herbal compound, can also be of important help to Diabetics afflicted with any of the four Types of Diabetes, who are trying to keep their blood-glucose levels under control. Naavudi, offered in the form of 550-milligram vegetarian capsules, is blended from nine different herbal extracts that have been used by traditional healers for millennia in Indian Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Pacific Islander medical practice for blood-glucose-level mitigation. Several of these ancient herbs are now being clinically tested by medical researchers, and some positive results have been reported. Like other CLE herbal products, Naavudi is produced from herbs that have been grown on CLE’s own farm plots, and have been harvested and processed and packaged entirely by CLE employees, to achieve the best possible levels of quality, purity, and uniformity. Since Naavudi is not known to interact with prescription medicines, you can try it out without otherwise changing how you are managing your Diabetes medications.

One disheartening aspect of having any Type of Diabetes is, you have to pee seemingly all of the time. It’s particularly bad when you wake up frequently at night, needing desperately to pee. Diabetes can cause some sufferers to have edema — swelling due to fluid buildup — in their lower legs. Diuretic medications such as furosemide aka Lasix, often prescribed for Diabetics to mitigate their lower-leg edema, make that constant urge to pee even worse — that’s the tradeoff for controlling the edema, and thereby hopefully forestalling what would otherwise be the need for lower-leg amputations. Although Naavudi by itself probably won’t be enough to manage blood-glucose levels in well-established cases of any Type of Diabetes, Naavudi along with insulin shots can help a great deal to reduce that violent urge to pee, thereby allowing Diabetics to sleep better. Probably the Naavudi lowers the Diabetics’ blood-glucose levels from what they otherwise would have been; higher blood-glucose levels are known to increase that constant Diabetic urge to pee.

So, if you have been diagnosed with any of the four Types of Diabetes, maybe you need to give Naavudi a try.

Learn more about CLE Holistic Health Naavudi here.

The post Types Of Diabetes appeared first on CLE Holistic Health.

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