Neurological Conditions Appearing in Coronavirus Patients

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As the coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep the globe, researchers are continuously learning how the virus works and what the long-term looks like for those who become infected. Researchers at University College London recently announced that there is a disturbing trend arising in COVID-19 patients. Many patients, including those who have been completely asymptomatic in terms of respiratory distress, are showing dangerous neurological complications. For instance, coronavirus patients are incurring neurological problems in the shape of fatal brain inflammation, stroke, and even nerve damage. Researchers around the world have corroborated these findings, and the fear is that a larger scale of neurological disorders in COVID-19 patients could become common.

 In a study conducted by University College London researchers, 43 patients were observed at various University College London Hospitals. These COVID-19 patients ranged in ages from 16-85. Ten of them incurred temporary brain dysfunction. Eight had strokes, another eight had nerve damage, and 12 of them incurred brain inflammation. All in all, that means that nearly all of these patients had some sort of neurological damage in conjunction with the coronavirus.

 What’s perhaps more concerning for researchers is that patients with brain inflammation tended to be diagnosed with ADEM (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis). While this disorder has been seen before the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers say that they have seen a marked uptick since the coronavirus struck.

 Researchers are still working to understand the connection between COVID-19 and neurological problems. Researchers aren’t quite sure what is making brain damage and other neurological complications such a common trend in patients who have tested positive for COVID-19. As it stands, researchers think their best theory is that neurological problems in COVID-19 patients are being spurred by the immune system’s response to the virus, which could be causing problems in other bodily systems and tissues.

 While it’s unclear exactly what’s causing this strange pattern, one thing is clear. Keeping a healthy immune system will help to fight off viruses and potentially keep the immune system healthy enough to avoid secondary complications. A healthy diet and exercise are both important elements in keeping a healthy immune system. In addition, supplements such as CLE Concentrated Drops can be helpful in keeping the immune system strong. Consider taking CLE Concentrated Drops - just 10 drops each morning can yield a difference in as little as 30 days.

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